economics & business
Transfer student quickly invests in Cornell community
Jonathan Lopez, a nurse for the past seven years, decided to pursue another one of his passions: business. When he transferred to Cornell College he realized that switching to the block plan was a bit of an adjustment from his previous experiences studying on the traditional semester schedule—one he was happy to accommodate.
Business analytics students secure finalist position in competition
A team of four Cornell College students is among ten teams named as finalists in an international data challenge.
Cornell launches a global career
Cornell College proved to be an ideal launching pad for Dana Dahl Touzelet ’81.
Connected to internships post-graduation
It’s not just alumni who connect students to opportunities like internships.
T. Hardie Park, 1927-2019
Professor Emeritus of Economics and Business T. Hardie Park died June 18, 2019, in Iowa City. He was 91.
Keep moving forward
Milton Spradley ʼ19, a business major with a concentration in finance, wanted to further his education and continue playing football after high school in Florida. He knew Cornell College would enable him to pursue both opportunities. Milton credits his dad with helping him decide on his major. “I have always enjoyed working with numbers so […]
Futrell ’16 takes class experience to new level
Justin Futrell decided he’d do 1,000 pull-ups in a single day, and he’d do it with the goal of raising $25,000 to build a well in a Tanzanian village.
Ask the Expert: Todd Knoop on jobs outlook
What’s the job outlook for college graduates over the next two to four years?
Cornell Fellowship opened doors
Aaron Reykdal ’06 was one of the first Cornell Fellows and credits the program with setting him on his career path.
Campbell R. McConnell ’50
Campbell R. “Mac” McConnell ’50, the author of a widely used economics textbook, died Jan. 5, 2019, at age 90, to go to what his official obituary called “that great faculty lounge in the sky.”
2 off-campus courses cited for best practices
The Forum on Education Abroad identified two Cornell off-campus courses as representative of best practices in student learning and development and academic framework.
Alumni at a Glance: John Beamer ’61
From working with the FBI to helping state employees with labor disputes, John Beamer ’61 has seen and done a great deal throughout his career. The Cornell alumnus was an Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of Iowa from 1986 until he retired in 2018.
Hejeebu provides expert comment for Wallet Hub
Ringer Distinguished Professor of Economics and Business Santhi Hejeebu recently commented as an expert for a Wallet Hub article about student credit and credit cards.
Berube ’19 explores international opportunities through Fellowship
Ethan Berube ’19 is starting off his senior year of college with more knowledge and foresight about his future, thanks to his Cornell College Fellowship.
Newbold to study econometrics, data analytics in Arizona
Husani Newbold ’18 came to Cornell College from the Bahamas, and now this runner is taking another leap to Arizona.