economics & business
Finance, math, lead Do to actuarial science professional program
Viet Do will combine combine the two things he’s most interested in, applied mathematics and finance, as an actuarial student in the Transamerica professional program.
Hoang mixing economics and social justice in Ph.D. program
Trang Hoang is going to Vanderbilt University to pursue a Ph.D. in economics.
FDIC internship leads to job for Simkins
Just before Rick Simkins returned to Cornell College for his senior year, he got the news that many of his fellow seniors would have wished for:he’d been offered a position with the FDIC, where he’d spent the summer as an intern.
Economist, ACA critic speaking April 2
Casey Mulligan, who the Wall Street Journal has called “the economist who exposed Obamacare,” will speak at Cornell College on Thursday, April 2, at 7:30 p.m.
Professor examines the causes of financial crises
Todd Knoop, an economics and business professor at Cornell College, has written his fourth textbook, “Business Cycle Economics: Understanding Recessions and Depressions from Boom to Bust.”
Panel on business leadership Sept. 16
The Berry Center for Economics, Business and Public Policy will host a panel on business leadership featuring four local business leaders on at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 16. in Hedges Conference Room in the Thomas Commons. The event is free and open to the public.
Two student groups win funding from UI startup accelerator
Two groups of Cornell College students were accepted into the the University of Iowa’s John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center Student Accelerator program for the summer.
Monreal earns Fulbright to South Korea
Tiffany Monreal ’14 will teach English in South Korea as part of the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship Program. She is the ninth Cornellian in nine years to earn a Fulbright.
Zhang lands risk management position with multinational company
Ji “Max” Zhang, an economics and business major, secured a position at AEGON, doing risk management.
Bloomberg Aptitude Test
Bloomberg hosted the Bloomberg Aptitude Test at Cornell College free of charge on April 3. The Bloomberg Aptitude Test (BAT) connects students with 25K+ financial recruiters worldwide.
Course travels to China to study economic growth
Todd Knoop’s macroeconomics seminar studied China’s rapid growth during a block-long tour of the country in December. Tiffany Monreal ’14 captured her impressions of the experience through a photo essay.
FDIC Financial Management Scholars information session
Interested in banking, insurance, or finance? Former Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation interns, Josh Randall and Katie Mueller, will share their internship experience in the Thomas Commons, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Nov. 14.
Students become CEOs for a block
During Block 2, students in Financial Accounting became CEOs, running their own companies in an online business simulation competition sponsored by the Berry Center for Economics, Business, and Public Policy.
Livestream with Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg
During this Livestream, Sheryl Sandberg will discuss her hopes for the next generation of women leaders and answer students’ questions. Sandberg’s book, Lean In, examines why women’s progress has stalled in the job market and what holds women back, while offering solutions to help women achieve their full potential. This conversation on gender will start the discussion to work toward closing the leadership gap and educating our future generation of leaders. Oct. 28 at 6 p.m. in the Beijing room in Thomas Commons.
Economics course shifts Baca’s medical career plans
Inspired by a course in macroeconomics, Michael Baca shifted his long-time plan of becoming a physician for a path in healthcare administration.