Carolyn Zerbe Enns: Life after Cornell

Carolyn Zerbe Enns
Psychology, 1987–2018

Carol Enns taught on campus and for Semester at Sea the year after retiring. A year later she began working as a volunteer counselor/psychologist at Cornell’s Counseling Center, continuing for three years during the pandemic. She’s active in her profession, often working from her kitchen table in Mount Vernon on projects such as co-editing a special issue of Women and Therapy, serving on a task force for the American Psychological Association, participating in peer review activities and committees, and writing. She and her husband spent the first three months of the COVID-19 lockdown as full-time caregivers for a grandchild in Pittsburgh, and throughout the pandemic found ways to make numerous short international trips.

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  • Carolyn Enns works at her living room table.

    Carolyn Enns works at her living room table. Photo by Megan Amr.

  • Carolyn Enns works at her living room table.

    Carolyn Enns works at her living room table. Photo by Megan Amr.