Readers provide valuable feedback

We are always striving to improve the Cornell Report, and one way to do that is by surveying you—our readers. In 2023 we conducted a readership survey that followed up on our 2016 survey. The responses were strikingly similar. 

four Cornell Report magazines splayed out on a tableOur survey went to all readers by email and received a 7.4% completion rate. 

We are pleased to report the magazine is well read, with 92% reading every or most issues. Sixty percent indicated they get all or most of their Cornell news from the magazine. You overwhelmingly prefer print, but remember, you can access current and past issues online, and if you’d prefer to receive an electronic issue only, let us know at

39% say the magazine contains some “spin” but is generally accurate and objective; in 2016 38.1% of readers said the same.

The majority rated the magazine quality highly, including photography, cover, ease of reading, layout and design, writing, and content. The top five actions taken as a result of reading the Cornell Report: 

  • 46% contacted a classmate or friend 
  • 41% made a donation 
  • 36.7% submitted a class note 
  • 33% saved an article or issue 
  • 32.6% attended an event 

The most memorable recent stories were, in order:

  1. Facilities Services “Caring For the Campus”
  2. The 2021 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion issue “I See You”
  3. Faculty feature “Teach What You Love”
  4. Tie: “Hangouts Through the Years” and King Chapel repair

Class news for the win

The most popular topic of coverage among readers, by far, is class news. Here is a breakdown of topics you found most compelling:

Academics and Intellectual Life

  1. Student research/academic experiences
  2. Faculty profiles
  3. Faculty selection, promotion, retirements
  4. Stories about individual courses

Campus Life

  1. Cultural events and performances
  2. Student issues and opinions
  3. Campus controversies
  4. Student achievements

Alumni Life and Activities

  1. Class news
  2. Obituaries
  3. Alumni activities/regional programming

Institutional Affairs

  1. Institutional history and traditions

General-Interest Topics

  1. Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  2. Environmental issues
  3. Arts and cultures
  4. Issues facing higher education

We welcome your story ideas, class news, and letters anytime at