Little Village reviews Dyas’ retrospective

Little Village, an independent Iowa news and culture magazine, reviewed Sandra Dyas’ work in the retrospective, “Tangled Up in Time.”

Sandra Dyas

The display includes photographs, collages, and video work that Dyas produced over the last four decades of her career as an artist and educator.

In “Review: Sandy Dyas’ career retrospective at Cornell makes the mundane aspects of  Midwest life lovingly strange,” Andrea Truitt writes, “Dyas lets us in on her inner-worldmaking, opening up the contents of her mind to the viewer, as if her attention and care highlight pieces of the world for the viewer to contemplate.”

Dyas, who retired this year after teaching for 25 years at Cornell College, will hold a reception during Homecoming Weekend on Saturday, Oct. 5, in Luce Gallery from 3–5 p.m.