Bon Appétit’s Eat Local Challenge shared in the news

Bon Appétit at Cornell College celebrated the Eat Local Challenge on Sept. 24, and the story was shared in the local media. 

The (Cedar Rapids) Gazette reported on the event and published a story, “At Mount Vernon’s Cornell College, a day of eating locally.”

“Anytime we have an opportunity we always try to expand students’ mindset as far as what is healthy, what’s nutritious, and try to give them the mindset of possibility and options, versus going straight to the two or three things that they’re used to eating,” said General Manager of Bon Appetit at Cornell College Dave Smigo to the Gazette.

Chefs on campus challenged themselves to create dishes made only with local ingredients. 

Several local farmers, who grow the food that Cornellians eat, also set up a farmers market on the Orange Carpet where they talked with students and community members about their products and shared free samples. 

KCRG-TV9 also covered the event, producing a story, “Chefs serve meals made from local ingredients for Cornell College’s Eat Local Challenge.”