Alfrieta Monagan: Life after Cornell

Alfrieta Monagan
Anthropology, 1990–2015

Alfrieta Monagan still resides in the Iowa City home where she raised her identical twin daughters (who now live in Seattle and Boston with her four grandchildren). She’s a founding member of her neighborhood association and, since retirement, works out three days a week at the North Dodge Athletic Club. “Going to the club is an opportunity to see people and feel better. We bond with one another and care about each other,” she says. Once president of Iowa City’s Districtwide Parents Organization, now her time is given to a nonprofit called TRAIL (Iowa’s first aging-in-place organization) and the Alzheimer’s Association, for which she fundraises each year to help find a cure.

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  • Alfrieta Monagan works out at the gym.

    Alfrieta Monagan. Photo by Megan Amr.

  • Alfrieta Monagan works out at the gym.

    Alfrieta Monagan. Photo by Megan Amr.