My job turned me into an extrovert

Donivan Jones ’24
Social Media Team Manager
Major: Sociology
Home: Geraldine, Alabama

Student Senate president Donivan Jones ’24 is highly visible on campus in his job as manager of the student social media team. Photo by Megan Amr.
Student Senate President Donivan Jones ’24 is highly visible on campus in his job as manager of the student social media team. Photo by Megan Amr.

If anyone asked my friends what the first thing I said to them was, it would probably be “Can I take your picture?” For my work-study, I get the glamorous job of going to events and taking photos for social media—but it isn’t just that. I am the current student social media team manager here on campus, which means I do way more than just take pictures of students.

My daily schedule for work includes taking photos, creating engaging captions, scrolling through comment sections, and looking for events that would be fun for an Instagram post. There’s never a dull day when you work online and with other people, because you never know what new thing is going to pop up.

Since I got my job, my already high amount of screen time (don’t judge me; I am a young adult) on Instagram has skyrocketed because now I use it for work. My job has helped me make friends, attract new students, and give other students unique opportunities—and I love that. 

Working for social media has made me an extrovert. If you asked me in high school to ask someone to take their picture, I would have run away screaming, but now it’s as natural as asking how someone’s day is. Going to events my first year wouldn’t have seemed as attractive if I weren’t also getting a paycheck for it. Now I am one of the most involved students on campus and I owe that to what the social media team has allowed me to do. Next time you see me holding my phone up on campus, don’t be surprised if I ask to take your picture.

See six other work-study student essays, covering jobs from writing tutor to social media student manager.