My job gave me a community

Kachana Myrville ’24
Career Assistant Student Manager
Major: Finance
Minor: Philosophy
Home: Riverdale, Maryland

Kachana Myrville assists a student at the Berry Career Institute. Photo by Megan Amr.
Kachana Myrville assists a student at the Berry Career Institute. Photo by Megan Amr.

Working at the Berry Career Institute has been crucial to my Cornell experience. I have worked several places on campus and done many things to maintain myself in the Cornell community, including participating in Student Senate as a representative and executive board member and joining Cornell’s oldest fraternity, Mu Lambda Sigma. But nothing has been as consistent, rewarding, and enriching as the Berry Career Institute. 

Coming from across the country during COVID times, it was easy for me to feel alone and disconnected from the community, but even during this time the Berry Career Institute  continued to send emails and have virtual events that pulled me in and made me feel connected and seen on campus. This connection is what enticed me to apply to work there. As restrictions lessened, coming into work was always welcoming. There are career cluster coaches either engaging with students or having their doors open waiting to talk, the yellow hand chair, and our new pink hand addition, or just sitting at the front desk and greeting students who come in for headshots and appointments. Even the slowest days at the Berry Career Institute are a pick-me-up.

Every day is different but allows me to grow professionally and personally. Whether it’s our trainings, learning better customer service and management skills, or just talking about my class and my day, I always feel more focused and sound after leaving my job here. The community I sought during COVID times is with me at the Berry Career Institute.

See six other work-study student essays, covering jobs from writing tutor to social media student manager.