My job in athletics doesn’t feel like work

Gabriel Smith ’26
Game Day Management Assistant
Major: Finance
Home: Pullman, Washington

Wrestler Gabriel Smith ’26 works the SAW front desk, where he enjoys engaging with faculty, staff, and students who come in for a workout. Photo by Megan Amr.
Wrestler Gabriel Smith ’26 works the SAW front desk, where he enjoys engaging with faculty, staff, and students who come in for a workout. Photo by Megan Amr.

Work-study is a great way for me to make some extra money in a place where I truly love to be. Whether doing laundry for athletic teams, working scoreboards for athletic events, or staffing the front desk, I always feel at home because of the people I am surrounded by in the Small Athletic and Wellness Center (SAW). Not only do I work with great people, but the coaching staff at Cornell is filled with amazing people who not only support their own student-athletes but support athletics here at Cornell as a whole. Most of the time, working at the SAW doesn’t even feel like work at all, because of who I am surrounded by.

I am quite visible on campus, thanks to my job, so my favorite thing to do while working at the front desk is talking with the various people who come and go, getting in a workout. I also enjoy controlling the music that is played on the sound system when I can. In addition to doing laundry, I can also get some homework done, which is convenient for me, as we student-athletes can be very busy during certain blocks. 

Working the athletic games, whether controlling the scoreboard or playing music, is a pleasure because the games are always entertaining, especially when they are close. Believe it or not, my favorite sporting events to work are normally the sports that I don’t really watch in my free time. My interest in these particular sports stems from a desire to learn more about how they work.

See six other work-study student essays, covering jobs from writing tutor to social media student manager.