Teach what you love

Six Cornell faculty offer expertise on their fields and why they are passionate about teaching them.


melanie king holding a whiteboard marker in front of a whiteboard smiling


The mathematical mind:

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Melanie King




alex mckenzie standing behind a mesh net, a wooden ceiling is the backdrop


Presence and play:

Assistant Professor of Studio Art Alex McKenzie




katie sagal holding a book open while smiling and bookshelves in the back


Botanical entanglements expand our insights:

Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing Katie Sagal



Lewis Kanyiba jumping in the air in front of a purple background with large windows letting sunlight in


Education for healthy bodies:

Associate Professor of Kinesiology Lewis Kanyiba




danielle grimes headshot in front of whiteboard


Reinventing engineering education:

Assistant Professor of Engineering & Physics Danielle Grimes



tyler george headshot


Statistics for all, and all for statistics:

Assistant Professor of Statistics Tyler George