Students on the Cornell College campus have finished the academic year and many will transform into full-time researchers for the annual Cornell Summer Research Institute (CSRI).
Fifty-one students are working side-by-side with 19 faculty members on a variety of intensive research projects. The eight-week institute takes place May 16–July 8, 2022.
“Cornell’s CSRI undergraduate research program benefits students in so many ways,” said CSRI Director and Professor of Biology Craig Tepper. “Students develop independent critical thinking skills as well as oral and written communication skills. In addition, participation in CSRI enhances the student learning experience as students work closely with faculty. It provides our students with valuable experiences that prepare them for their professional lives.”
Among many topics, the teams will be studying the Brazilian economy, building a wind tunnel, liquid energy storage materials, school boards during the pandemic, and pre-workout supplements on physical and mental performance.
Students and faculty will gather to kick off CSRI at a picnic on Thursday, May 19, at 5:30 p.m. Students will introduce their research projects on the McGrane Terrace, behind the Thomas Commons on the Cornell College campus. At the end of the institute, students will present their findings at a student symposium at 3 p.m. on July 6 and July 7 in the Thomas Commons, Hall-Perrine Room.
Throughout the institute, participants also attend panels and discussions to help prepare them for life after college on topics such as applying for graduate school, selling your skills, and learning about research ethics.
The institute is possible because of generous funding from the Hewlett Foundation Endowed Fund, Ingenuity in Action, the Deskin Fund, the Shaffer Fund, the Hendricks Fund, and several other grants.
All participants will follow campus COVID-19 safety protocols for this in-person research opportunity.