Radical compassion is the theme of this year’s Diversity Week, hosted by the Office of Intercultural Life (ICL) the first week of Block 7.
The office says it is hoping the week’s events provide opportunities for the campus and greater community to learn about effective ways to provide radical compassion for others as well as radical self-compassion.
Monday, March 14:
Join ICL and special guest Zeena Regis to discuss how well-placed and well-intentioned meddling can be beneficial and promote radical compassion. A viewing will also be available in Hedges in Thomas Commons. This event is open to the public. (Those who aren’t attending the viewing event can contact Intercultural Life for the Zoom link.)
Tuesday, March 15:
The Office of Intercultural Life invites you to join us during Diversity Week over the lunch hour for a drop-in, student and community-driven dialogue about various topics of culture, diversity, and inclusion. During this discussion, ICL is asking participants to share ideas and experiences on how we may internalize privilege and oppression and how we can also internalize compassion. This event is open to the public.
Join ICL for a viewing of “The Mask You Live In,” a documentary that gives a look into the lives of boys and young men and their struggle in negotiating the American definition of manhood and masculinity. A discussion will follow and refreshments will be provided. This event is open to the public.
Wednesday, March 16:
Join ICL for a walk-through view of the struggles and celebrations of various social identities, featuring the “big 8” contexts: race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender, ability, and socioeconomic status. This event is open to the public.
Join ICL and NAMI as they discuss how to carry self-compassion during temporary, or even continuing, mental health challenges. This event is open to the Cornell College community.
Thursday, March 17:
Join ICL and the Health Promotions Office for crafting your own manifestation journal and manifestation box. This event is open to the public.
Join ICL for an online discussion of radical compassion and self-compassion.
Saturday, March 19:
Join ICL and friends for an entertaining evening of cultural performances by Cornell students. Special featured guest: Jessica Ayala. Jessica is an Indigenous, Two-Spirit multi-disciplined artist who will be providing poetry and R&B music along with her drummer. There will be a special drag show by the Cornell student group, [alliance]. This event is open to the public.
Questions: intercultural_life@cornellcollege.edu