Hoklotubbe featured on podcast

Assistant Professor of Religion Chris Hoklotubbe (Choctaw) was featured in a podcast about his research on Native American interpretations of the Bible, published March 6, 2022.

The podcast, The Bible for Normal People, includes an interview with Hoklotubbe where they discuss a number of topics, including:

  • What is distinct about a Native American interpretation of scripture? 
  • Why is the concept of the trickster valued within Indigenous traditions? 
  • How might Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness be viewed through an Indigenous lens? 

Hoklotubbe has taught at Cornell College since 2017 and teaches courses on the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality in the Christian Tradition, the New Testament, Roman Religion, Native American Spiritualities, World Religions, and Religion and American Politics. He also co-leads interdisciplinary off-campus courses.