Black Awareness Cultural Organization (BACO) is planning events for Black History Month during Block 6 for the Cornell College community.
The group has been hard at work planning these events because this month is important for so many reasons.
“Black History Month is the best time to tell the truth about what makes Black people true and authentically us,” said BACO President Ciera Davis.
“Black history to me means the appreciation and acknowledgment of Blackness–not just in America but everywhere and in all aspects of society,” said BACO Vice President Quelinda Matos. “A lot of what we learn in school I feel like is more trauma and less celebratory acts of Black people in society. But Black history to me is also about remembrance and honor for those who have fallen, risked their lives for us, broken scientific and political barriers to live in the world we live in today, and knowing where we’ve come from so that we know where we need to go from here.”
Here are the events that will take place during Block 6:
Feb. 10: Ask a POC Panel
This event is an annual event where brave students of color are willing to be transparent about views that they may have while others (white students and community members) are able to ask respectful questions, listen in, and learn someone else’s perspective about different races and cultural and social issues.
Feb. 18: African American Museum Presentation: “The One”
A staff member from the African American museum will present about the topic “The One.” This presentation is about the first Black person in different aspects of life, such as the first Black person to attend a school, to be a part of a team, etc.
Feb. 24: “Don’t touch my hair”
This event is on the culture of Black hair and the history behind braids and braiding in Black culture. At the end of this event, BACO will invite individuals to get their hair braided or cut by barbers, or even learn how to braid.
All of the events are free and open to the public.