President Brand discusses pandemic on IPR

Cornell College President Jonathan Brand discussed Cornell’s first-semester experience with the pandemic on Iowa Public Radio’s “River to River” broadcast.

The episode aired Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020, and Brand’s interview starts about 24 minutes into the hour-long show.

Brand updated listeners about life on campus, Cornell’s ample testing capacity, and what he misses most about pre-pandemic life.

“I think being in a classroom with students, being in a theatre with our students, seeing them running up and down the pedestrian mall in the middle of our campus hugging each other and saying hello,” Brand said during the show. “The rhythm of the campus and college experience–I’m looking for that returning. The magic is still here but without the students running around with each other–the joy of being on campus together–that’s really what I miss and what I think a lot of us miss.”