Junior Miranda Hall says being on the Rams cross country and track & field teams helps her stay organized and in good mental health.
“Being an athlete keeps me organized because I have to get my homework done on time in order to compete and practice, while also giving myself time for clubs and other organizations,” this Academic All-Midwest Conference runner says. “Being able to run and talk everyday with my team is also beneficial for my mental health.”
A politics major from Lake City, Colorado, Miranda is vice president of Kappa Theta, a Lunch Buddies volunteer at the elementary school, and active with Get Out the Vote. Last year she traveled to India with the course Gender and Development, where she explored supporting women in communities results in healthier families and towns.
Aside from the course in India, she says her favorite course has been Politics of Grammar.
“It was an English class designed to go deeply into how we understand English and how others learn English. We had group assignments about how we use language—political correctness, ableist language, and even how rap music functions as a language—while also working with a first-year English writing course to lightly teach them how to better understand the actual grammar pieces of writing,” she says.