Cornell suspends spring athletic season

Cornell College is suspending its spring athletics competitions until further notice due to COVID-19 concerns. Students will no longer take part in competitions or practices at this time.

With the changing nature of this pandemic, college leaders will continue to monitor the situation and reassess if teams can resume competition later in the year based on the spread of the virus.

“I am saddened by how this will impact our student-athletes,” said Keith Hackett, Director of Athletics. “I know how hard they have worked to prepare for this season. However, the safety of our students comes before anything else.”

The college is also:

About Cornell College:

Cornell College is a national liberal arts college established in 1853, located in Mount Vernon, Iowa. The historic, hilltop campus has a population of more than 1,000 students from all over the world. Our undergraduate students learn on a distinctive block plan schedule, taking One Course At A Time for 18 days before starting the next course. This curriculum allows them to fully immerse themselves in their chosen topic of study, including taking field trips to another country, diving into research, creating an art exhibit, or exploring issues in the local community. For more information visit