Celebrating the sciences

With the ceremonial cutting of a DNA ribbon, Cornell College officially dedicated Russell Science Center and celebrated the completion of its $35 million Science Facilities Project during Homecoming 2019. 

The celebration centered on four projects: 

Russell Science Center: a building for chemistry and biology that fosters engaged learning in the sciences, is adaptable for the future, unique in its design, and a visual emblem for the integration of science and the liberal arts.

West Science Hall: a complete rejuvenation and updating of the 1976 building—hardly recognizable from inside—for physics and engineering, mathematics and statistics, and computer science.

Law Hall: a repurposing of two floors for enhanced learning and lab spaces for two of Cornell’s largest programs, psychology and kinesiology.

Pedestrian Mall: an extension of the mall to the east, creating a new entry to campus.


“To Dr. Jean Russell for her incredible gift, to all of the donors at every level, we say thank you for changing the future of science education at Cornell. From the classrooms and labs that are designed specifically for the way we teach on the block plan, to the open spaces for gathering and studying, our work has been transformed.”  — Professor of Chemistry Cindy Strong


Alumni admire the new views of campus from Altoona Lounge on the third floor of West Science Hall.

“Collectively, we have made this dream a reality, setting up the future and the impact it will have for the students of Cornell. We’re delighted with the result and I hope you are too.” — Chair of the Board of Trustees Gilda Vinzulis Boyer ’84

Engineering professor Brian Johns shows the Peter Paul Luce Machining and Fabrication Lab in West Science Hall to Peter’s daughter, Lynn Luce Kitt ’91, and her husband, Lance.

“The Science Facilities Project holds the utmost importance for Cornell’s future as we recruit and educate a growing number of students who wish to work with exceptional faculty and staff in exceptional spaces at an exceptional school.” — President Jonathan Brand