Hejeebu provides expert comment for Wallet Hub
Ringer Distinguished Professor of Economics and Business Santhi Hejeebu recently commented as an expert for a Wallet Hub article about student credit and credit cards.
When asked how important it is for students with no credit history to get a credit card in the article, Hejeebu responded:
I certainly would advise college students to get a credit card and begin to build a credit history. CareerBuilder.com surveyed recruiting managers a few years back. About a third reported using credit scores in the hiring process. Credit scores are a signal of financial character that many recruiters find informative. So students with no history will certainly want to get this started.
Hejeebu has interests in applied microeconomics, economics of organization, and economic history. Her courses include Economics of Organizations, Business Analytics, and Markets and Social Networks. She enjoys taking students off campus to visit businesses, archives, and museums. Guest lecturers, business leaders, and scholars are integral to her courses. Her scholarship has appeared in numerous academic journals and monographs including the Journal of Economics and Management Strategies, Journal of Economic History, and Business History.