2017 graduate joins Cornell College Board of Trustees

The Cornell College Board of Trustees has announced the election of a Young Trustee, Emma Kaboli ’17.

Emma Kaboli '17
Emma Kaboli ’17

 Kaboli graduated with a major in International Relations and Spanish, with a minor in Civic Engagement. The Young Trustee has been active on and off campus. Some of the highlights include the Cornell Fellows Program, Cornell LEADS Program, Mortar Board Senior Honors Society, Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honor Society, and Pi Sigma Alpha Politics Honor Society. She also interned at the Council for International Visitors to Iowa Cities and the U.S. Department of State Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Now, she’s ready for the next chapter in her life, but she’s not leaving Cornell College behind.

“I am very excited to give back to the school that has given me so much,” Kaboli said. “My three years at Cornell have been some of the most enriching experiences of my life, and I look forward to ensuring Cornell’s continued success, so that future Cornellians can have the same unparalleled education. I cannot wait to serve with such an accomplished group of people, who share such a strong commitment to Cornell.”

Kaboli is graduating early because of the college credit she earned while in high school.

The Young Trustee has also taken on positions as a member of the Iowa College Americorps Program, the coordinator of the Lunch Buddies Program, the service chair for Delta Phi Delta, and a tutor for the Department of Spanish during her three years at Cornell.

The Cornell College Board of Trustees is the governing body of the college. The Board elects the president and formulates policies governing the operation of the college that are necessary to carry out the college’s mission—its educational programs, its financial affairs, the physical plant, and the quality of student life.