The Hall-Perrine Foundation will continue its history of support for Cornell College with a $3.6 million grant for the college’s science facilities project. The challenge grant has already been matched by college trustees and other leadership donors of the college.
In February Cornell announced a $35 million science facilities project that will more than double the college’s STEM space. Construction has begun on the four-story Russell Science Center, which is expected to open in January 2019. West Science and portions of Law Hall also will be renovated. Cornell also announced in February that, in just under two years, it had already exceeded $32 million in gifts toward the project, the primary focus of a new campaign, Greater > Than.
“Cornell is extremely grateful to the Hall-Perrine Foundation for its generosity and commitment to the region and higher education,” said Cornell President Jonathan Brand. “The Foundation has a long commitment to the area’s private colleges, and for this Cornell is especially grateful. Its very generous challenge grant for our science facilities project provided momentum for a fund drive that is nearing completion.”
Since 1953 the Cedar Rapids-based Hall-Perrine Foundation has given more than $154 million to projects in Linn County. The Foundation has been a strong partner with Cornell, providing funding for numerous capital projects such as the Thomas Commons, the Small Multi-Sport Center, Cole Library, fine arts facilities, Norton Geology Center, and South Hall.
“Our mission is to improve the quality of life in Linn County. Academic contributions, as well as the economic impact of a strong liberal arts college, clearly contributes to that mission,” said Jack Evans, president of the Hall-Perrine Foundation.
Donors and original members of the Foundation were Howard Hall, founder and principal donor, his wife Margaret Douglas Hall, his mother Margaret Lamey Hall, his sister Irene Hall Perrine, and her husband Beahl T. Perrine.