Cornell celebrates CSRI outcomes

Thirty-nine students worked for 10 weeks during the summer 2016 break on intensive research with faculty members for the Cornell Summer Research Institute (CSRI), and their hard work is paying off.

This was the second year for the research institute. It was funded through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and a variety of internal sources.

This research lead to academic publications, digital gallery exhibitions, and much more.

Here is a list of those outcomes:

Publications and Meeting Abstracts:

Bernstein, N. P., McCollum, S. A., 2016, Update on Studies of Ornate Box Turtles in Iowa. Upper Midwest Turtle Conservation Workshop, October 11-12.

Green, M. A., Willis, M., Fernandez-Kong, K., Reyes, S., Linkhart, R., Johnson, M., Thorne, T., Kroska, E., Woodward, H., & Lindberg, J (2016).  Effect of a dissonance-based eating disorder program on cardiac risk.  Health Psychology.

Green, M. A., Rogers, J., Martin, A., Hudson, D., Fernandez-Kong, K., Kaza-Amlak, Z., Thimmesch, B., Thorne, T., & Willis, M.  (2016).  Decreased R wave amplitude in women with bulimia nervosa and women with subclinical binge/purge symptoms.  European Eating Disorders Review.

Green, M., Linkhart, R., Powers, M., & Bryant, B.  (2016).  Effect of a dissonance-based eating disorder prevention program on cardiac risk.  2016 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.  Denver, CO.

Samayoa, A., Reyes, S., Bou Karim, Y., Roge-Jones, L., Rueth, M. and Tepper C. 2017, Patterns of Millepore-Symbiodinium Associations at Two Caribbean Locations: San Salvador, The Bahamas and South Water Cay, Belize. Submitted to Proceedings of the First Joint Natural History and Geology Symposium

Strong, C., Davidson, E., Tiffany, J. A., 2016, X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Mill Creek Pottery. Annual Midwest Archaeological Conference Abstracts with Programs, October 2016.

Course Applications:

Professor Leslie Kathleen Hankins and Sidney Pratt ’19—The book rendition of the short story “The Cheerful Idiot,” by Winifred Mayne Van Etten was presented at Foxden Press and Cornell Center for the Literary Arts. The book will be used in subsequent English classes during the 2016-2017 academic year.

Professor Charles Liberko and Andrea Corbet ’17—Results were developed into a lab for organic chemistry.

Professor Jai Shanata, Jennifer Aguayo ’18, Will Eastham ’17, and Aidan Litt ’19—Developed lab activity for First Year Seminar in Chemistry.

Professor James Martin and Dale Dellimore ’19—Integrated results of research into First Year Seminar in Music.

Public Outreach:

Professor Melinda Green and Abby Herick ’17—Pilot online eating disorder prevention program distributed to high schools in the Mount Vernon and Cedar Rapids communities.

Professor Chris Penn-Goetsch, Steven Coburn ’18, and Jessica Meis ’19—Exhibition of works from Cornell College’s Sonnenschein collection scheduled for the college’s Peter Paul Luce Gallery, March 26-April 19, 2107. The digital exhibition is also on schedule to be completed in time for the gallery opening.