The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group (CDG) will recognize Professor of Politics Craig Allin as Citizen of the Year, Bon Appétit as Business of the Year, and Melinda Medina ’16 as an outstanding volunteer board member at its annual recognition event Aug. 16.
The event will be held at the United Methodist Church community room beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Allin is being honored for more than 40 years of service and leadership to the Lisbon-Mount Vernon Ambulance Service. He participated in the inaugural EMT training and went on the service’s first run in 1974. He then served on the volunteer crew for 13 years, including 11 as chief of service. After a two-year hiatus he joined the board, which he led as president for more than 25 years.
“Bon Appetit was chosen as Business of the Year because of its community involvement and its involvement in events such as RAGBRAI, the Chocolate Stroll, Chili Cookoff, the Community Leaders’ Breakfast, and the Hilltop Harvest Festival, said CDG Director Joe Jennison. “Bon Appetit has been a great partner with CDG. They’ve done a lot to integrate the community into Cornell and vice versa.”
Medina served on the CDG board and conducted a survey of Cornell student spending habits, which was a valuable resource for local businesses.
Another Cornellian, Lee Hilliker ’66, will receive the Volunteer of the Year award.