10 tips for a successful 2016-17

Classes start Sept. 5, and we have a few ideas to help you feel ready for the new school year.

  1. Start off on the right foot with your roommate. You likely have decided who is bringing the fridge, but have you agreed upon how you will live together? Take some time and discuss boundaries related to having overnights guests, using each other’s belongings, and timelines for proofing each other’s
    papers. Call, don’t text.IMG_1004
  2. Think about connections you can make on campus. People in the Center for Teaching and Learning, Berry Career Institute, your academic advisor, and others, are eager to help you have the most successful year possible. Whether you are writing a first draft academic paper, taking a stats class, or looking for career direction, utilize these services. The first move is yours.
  3. Life and learning will not be as convenient after college; take advantage of the Hilltop. In addition to free laundry, nationally-recognized food, and having everything within easy walking distance, Cornell offers interesting speakers, high quality music and theatre events, weekly athletic events, many student organizations, and a diverse community that offers you the chance to learn about people, opinions, and cultures different from your own experiences. Enjoy Cornell.
  4. Vary who you have meals with. Sitting in the same place with the same people everyday offers comfort and friendship. But mix it up occasionally by sitting with others who you can also get to know. Break bread.   
  5. Try something new. Attend a type of event that you haven’t attended before. Eat from a different station. Take an elective that sparks your curiosity. It doesn’t have to be risky. Take a chance.
  6. Journal or write just one sentence every day. Journaling is a great way to improve your writing. A sentence a day can help you stay focused on your goals. Write it down.
  7. Join in on the common text. This year’s selection is a podcast from TED Radio Hour titled “Playing with Perceptions.” You can access the TED radio hour online or download it through iTunes. Technically only first-years are required to watch it… But seriously, we could watch these podcasts all day. Click it.
  8. Get a budget app. Get an app that will allow you to plan your budget and set up limits for yourself to keep track of your spendings and savings. There are even apps you can connect to your credit card and create little budgets for things like coffee, gas, groceries, clothes, Spotify, and textbooks. Track it.
  9. Plan a good-bye day. Reserve a special day before you leave to rest and do things you enjoy doing at home. Visit your favorite park, see some friends, or spend time with your family. Breathe it in.
  10. Share your plans. Tag #CornellCollege on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat, and let us know what you are doing to prepare for a successful year. Post it.