Andy Stoll, social entrepreneur, world traveler, and recent visiting Cornell College Lecturer, will present “How (and Why) To Travel Around The World” on Tuesday, March 22, in Hedges Conference Room, Thomas Commons, on the Cornell College campus. The talk begins at 6:30 p.m.
Andy Stoll: How (and Why) To Travel Around The World from Andy Stoll on Vimeo.
After college, Stoll set off on a four-year, 40-country solo trip around the world. He went in search of experiences far off the beaten path to get a better understanding of how the world works. He handed out micro-loans in China; played a 19th-century British soldier in a Bollywood movie; worked in a dress factory in Bangkok for 60 cents an hour; lived in a mud hut village in Zambia, and climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with 10 Tanzanian street children.
Stoll’s message to students is clear: the distance between who you are and who you want to become is closer than you think. His presentation is more than a travel slideshow, it’s a look at what it takes to find our place in the world and to achieve our biggest dreams—whether that is to travel the world, or something a little closer to home.
Stoll taught a project-based introduction to entrepreneurship course at Cornell during Block 1. He most recently co-founded Seed Here Studio, a company that specializes in building entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems in unexpected places; co-founded the Iowa Startup Accelerator, a 90-day bootcamp for early stage tech companies; and travels nationally speaking on both world travel and entrepreneurship.