More Ways to Apply

We’ve met a number of students who are confused about whether they should take the SAT or the ACT for college admissions, which can be further complicated by whether or not their schools fund them to take one or the other. What we’ve found, though, is that test scores aren’t the best predictor of student success.  When students apply to Cornell, test scores won’t be an issue. Here’s why:

  • Cornell College gives equal importance to the ACT and the SAT for students who choose to submit test scores.
  • Cornell’s offers a test-optional application. Students applying to Cornell can decide to submit a creative portfolio and answer a few extra questions instead of submitting test scores.

For students who feel like their test scores are important for their applications, we will review them as part of our admission decision. Or, for those who feel that their test scores don’t represent who they are and what they are capable of achieving, they can make the choice to submit a creative portfolio instead of test scores.

We consider applicants holistically, and by finding more students with a broader range of talents, we are strengthening our community.

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