Becky Brown ’75

Becky Brown ’75 lives in Seattle, where she took up rowing at the invite of a neighbor nearly 20 years ago. She became hooked.

Becky Brown '75
Becky Brown ’75

Calling it a “life’s passion,” she joined the Conibear Rowing Club, a competitive master’s group for women, and competes with teammates in local, regional, national, and international regattas. She has served two terms as club president and helped strengthen the membership and club organization.

Unknown to Brown when she moved there in the 1980s, Seattle is a center for the sport with a legacy including Olympic gold medalists and oaring pioneers. Becoming a rower helped her grow in confidence and friendships on and off the water. “I’m sure some people who knew me in school never pictured me as a serious athlete,” she said.

Brown describes Seattle as a place that emphasizes healthy living. Complementing the benefits she gets from rowing three times per week is co-ownership of Lake Cavanaugh Farm, a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm an hour north of the city. She works with her partner raising organic produce–fruits, vegetables, herbs–and flowers. Customers subscribe to weekly deliveries or stop by the farm stand.

The profusion of blooms on the farm is her special focus; she provides fresh mixed flower bouquets all season. And, in her spare time, she does landscape design for selected clients. She came to her current growing and artistic focus after a successful 20-year career in fundraising.

“Just as with rowing, so it is with the farm,” said Brown. “It is more than exercise or the accomplishment of a particular task. It’s the feeling of connection to community that makes it so satisfying.”