Beta Omicron Distinguished Alumni Visitor Isaiah McGee ’01
Isaiah McGee ’01 has had an extensive career in the political arena–he’s a former member of the Waukee City Council, past member of the State of Iowa’s Next Generation Commission, Branstad appointee for the director of the Iowa Department of Human Rights, and consultant to the Iowa Department of Education. McGee is an active member of the Iowa GOP and will share his insights into a career in politics on April 18th at 5:30 PM. R.S.V.P. via JOIN by Tuesday, April 17. Food and beverages provided.
The lecture will be preceded by an interactive workshop to engage students in analyzing the impact of a liberal arts education, OCAAT academic calendar, and Iowa residency in equipping individuals for opportunities that lead to fulfilling lives.
What drives education policy? On April 19th, McGee will give a lecture entitled “The Politics of Kids.” Taking into consideration historical context of reform, competing philosophies, and influences outside of education, this lecture gives attendees a chance to look at the major factors affecting education reform in Iowa and nationally.
Sponsored by the Beta Omicron Distinguished Alumni Visitors Program.