Fluidity of Gender, an exhibition of sculptures by...

Fluidity of Gender, an exhibition of sculptures by feminist artist Linda Stein will be exhibited at the Peter Paul Luce Gallery at Cornell College from Sept. 5 through Oct. 3.

In Charge 694 by Linda Stein

An artist’s lecture will be held Sunday, Sept. 12, 2 p.m. with reception for the artist 3 to 5 p.m. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday 2 to 4 p.m. The exhibit is free and open to the public.

Stein received her Bachelor’s Degree (Cum Laude), Queens College, N.Y.; and her Master’s Degree from Pratt Institute, N.Y. She also studied at Pratt Graphics Center, N.Y.; Art Students League, N.Y., and  School of Visual Arts, N.Y.

Cornell College Professor Christina Penn-Goetsch wrote the catalogue essay “Gladiators, Amazons, and Superheroes: Gender and Recent Work of Linda Stein. She states:

Linda Stein’s most recent work continues to explore the body as a narrative text, but this time Stein’s torsos move away from the medium of metal, wood, and stone toward leather—a medium that makes her figures all the more carnal for the viewer.  The worn leather-clad female figures remind the viewer of battle scars that mark the body and record a history.  Stein then further employs these black leather Amazons to address the assumptions that underlie contemporary sexism.

Significant recent exhibitions include “Body-Swapping Armor”, Flomenhaft Gallery, Chelsea, NY; “Women’s Work: Homage to Feminism”, Tabla Rasa  Gallery, Brooklyn, NY; and “Eccentric Bodies”, Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Recently Gloria Steinem purchased on of Stein’s Wonder Woman inspired sculptures for the Smith College Collection. Stein’s archives are housed at Smith College: www.smith.edu/libraries/libs/ssc/visit.html, access her website: www.LindaStein.com, or see her last catalog “The Power to Protect: Sculpture of Linda Stein:” www.Amazon.com, or go to www.HaveArtWillTravel.org.

This exhibition is funded by the Henry Luce Foundation. For more information contact Sue Coleman at scoleman@cornellcollege.edu or (319) 895-4491.