DRIFT, an art installation by Stan Crocker is a collection of found elements- ladders, cupolas, wedding dresses, bedsprings, window frames, doors, bicycles, mirrors, chandeliers, steer skulls, parasols, tractor tires, canoes- bits and pieces of the Iowa landscape floating in a gauzy cylinder of color and light that wraps the viewer 360 degrees.
It is a 30-foot high piece in which the viewer is totally immersed and light is used to reveal and connect the various elements in different combinations.
Drift Kimmel Theater Gallery Cornell College Mt Vernon, Iowa 52314 Aug. 24 through Sept. 54 to 8 p.m. Daily This project made possible through the support of the Iowa Arts Council and Cornell College.For further information please contact
Stan Crocker scrocker@mac.com
To see a slideshow of the installation, click here.