From Aug. 2 to 6, hundreds of college-seeking stud...

From Aug. 2 to 6, hundreds of college-seeking students and their families will participate in what is becoming a rite of summer, Iowa Private College Week, sponsored by the Iowa Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (IAICU).

Throughout the week, Cornell College and 27 other participating Iowa private college campuses will host tours and activities for college-bound students from Iowa and surrounding states. Students can register for the tours through any of the participating schools — call Cornell at 1-800-747-1112 — or at the IAICU Web site,

During Iowa Private College Week, each campus conducts daily campus tours. In addition, visitors can attend free information sessions twice daily at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Prospective students and their families will meet current students and faculty and learn about the extraordinary experiences afforded Cornell students through the distinctive One Course At A Time calendar, and explore the admission and financial aid process. At Cornell, visitors can register for a drawing for Cornell T-shirts, which are given away at each of the twice-daily sessions.

At the first college students visit, they will receive a passport to use for stamps, which allow them to apply to the schools they visit without paying application fees. With three or more stamps, students will be eligible for a drawing of one of 56 bookstore vouchers worth $500 each.

For more information on Iowa Private Colleges Week or to schedule a visit, check out the Cornell College Admissions Page.