John Smith ’71, chair of the Cornell College Boa...

John Smith ’71, chair of the Cornell College Board of Trustees and the Trustee Presidential Search Committee, has announced the selection of the executive search firm Witt/Kieffer of Oak Brook, Ill.  The firm will be on campus within two weeks to spend time with various college constituencies.

The Faculty Search Committee has been elected and its members are Phil Lucas, Michelle Mouton, Tony Plaut, Cindy Strong, and Craig Tepper. The faculty handbook also calls for the president of the Student Senate (Taylor Koch) to be a member of the faculty committee.

Cornell’s lead consultant with Witt/Kieffer is Dr. Katherine Haley Will. Prior to joining Witt/Kieffer, Will served as the first woman president of Gettysburg College and chaired the Annapolis Group, the professional organization of the presidents of the nation’s leading liberal arts colleges. Will also held the positions of president of Whittier College, provost and professor of English at Kenyon College, and dean of graduate study and director of general education at Augustana College in Sioux Falls, S.D.

The Trustee Presidential Search Committee members are John Smith ’71 (chair), John McGrane ’73, Judy Jorgensen ’60, Bob McLennan ’65, Tom Cox ’52, Jerry Ringer ’59, Richard Williams ’63 and Gilda Boyer ’84.