Cornell College’s Chaplain and The Mt. Vernon-Lisbon American Legion and local Veterans of Foreign Wars chapter are co-sponsoring a talk March 9 about the ways to care for the psychological and spiritual needs of veterans and soldiers.
The talk, “Understanding the Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Care Issues of Our Soldiers, Vets, & Their Families,” will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the Hedges Conference room in The Commons on Cornell’s campus.
While we may hold different views on war, including those in Iraq and Afghanistan, we share common concern and responsibilities for our relatives, friends, co-workers, classmates, neighbors and others serving in the military.
Military chaplains Gary Selof and Martha Kester will address the psychological stress and other factors experienced by troops stationed in war-torn areas, and how that affects mental and spiritual health, as well as family life, both during soldiers’ tours of duty and upon re-entry to civilian life. Gary Selof is CH (MAJ) – Staff Chaplain Iowa Army National Guard, and Martha Kester is CH (1LT) – Chaplain for 185th CSSB HHC Camp Dodge and Priest in Charge St. Luke’s Episcopal Church .