Since graduating with a B.A. in Mathematics and Political Philosophy from Cornell, Sarah Ruen has utilized her education and experience to consult on matters of international and domestic public policy related to energy and the environment. She began her career as an International Relations Specialist for the U.S. Department of Energy – working to coordinate energy cooperation and negotiations between the U.S. and several Asian countries. Her work included involvement in Communiqué negotiations for the 2008 G8 Energy Ministerial, participation in the Energy and Economy Working Group of the Six-Party Talks at the DMZ in Korea in 2007, and support for energy cooperation under the U.S.-China Economic Dialogue, 2006 – 2008.
In late 2008, Sarah decided to move to the beautiful city of Denver, Colorado (a young Alum haven) to continue to focus her work in the area of energy policy. She now works for BCS, Incorporated, a Small, Woman-Owned Business based out of Laurel, Maryland; and was recently promoted to Lead Technical Analyst. Her work still includes engagement with international energy policy counterparts, including a recently organized India Solar Power Development Orientation Visit sponsored by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency. However, the vast majority of her efforts today focus largely on domestic renewable energy and energy efficiency policy and program outreach for both Government and private clients.
Her steps from the classroom in Mount Vernon to contributing to national energy policy development and implementation have been taken with the support and encouragement of Political Science Professor Rob Sutherland. “Rob supported my interest in graduate school and encouraged me to consider the University of Miami for my Master of Public Administration studies during a Political Science block class that took us to Miami. That decision, and Rob’s continued guidance and support enabled me to build good relationships with my new professors at UM. Those relationships ultimately led to an internship in Washington, D.C. and my first job.”
During her time at Cornell she demonstrated an interest in government and leadership as the Chair of Student Life on the Student Senate, Resident Assistant for fourth floor Olin during ’02-’03, and senior class lead for the junior class’ Evolving Leaders Program. “The block program taught me how to manage multiple professional and social demands on my time. It’s easier for me to juggle short deadlines on projects of any size and respond to urgent requests from clients with ease because of my early experience with the real world benefits of OCAAT.”
Sarah will be married to Ross Blanchard (’05) in August 2010 amongst the Collegiate Peaks of the Rocky Mountains.