Jonathan Brand on the future of liberal arts education and more

When incoming President Jonathan Brand visited campus on Feb. 18, he spoke in King Chapel and met with students, faculty, staff, and community members. He also sat down for an interview for the Cornell Report and the Cornellian. New clips will be posted weekly.
In the first clip, he speaks about what’s next for liberal arts education, including the need to more off-campus study, research and practical applications, while remaining true to the traditions so important to liberal arts colleges.



In the second clip, Brand offers four ways alumni can be involved in the life of the college: By returning to campus to speak or meet students, by helping recent graduates find their way in the world, by offering their perspective and knowledge to help steer the college in the right direction, and through their financial support.


In the third clip, Brand talks about his plan for his transition to Cornell.


In the fourth and final clip, Brand talks about the role his wife, Rachelle LaBarge, has played in his presidency.

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